

This hook provides functionality to sign an arbitrary message.


  • data (Hex): The signature generated.

  • error (Error | null): An error object if the transaction failed, otherwise null.

  • isPending (boolean): A boolean indicating whether the transaction is currently pending.

  • isSuccess (boolean): A boolean indicating whether the transaction was successfully sent.

  • isError (boolean): A boolean indicating whether an error occurred during the transaction process.

  • signMessage : A function that signs a message and returns the signature.

  • signMessageAsync : A function that signs a message and returns a promise that resolves to the signature.


import { useSignMessage } from "@cometh/connect-react-hooks";

function MessageSigner() {
  const { signMessageAsync, isPending, isError, error, data } = useSignMessage();
  const handleSign = async () => {
    try {
      const signature = await signMessageAsync({ message: "Hello, World!" });
      console.log("Message signed:", signature);
    } catch (err) {
      console.error("Error signing message:", err);

  return (
      <button onClick={handleSign} disabled={isPending}>
        Sign Message
      {isPending && <p>Signing message...</p>}
      {isError && <p>Error: {error?.message}</p>}
      {data && <p>Signature: {data}</p>}

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